抚仙金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus tingi)是抚仙湖的特有种。2009年3—4月,有4次繁殖试验取得了成功。先后试验了40尾雌鱼和20尾雄鱼,成功催产19尾雌鱼和15尾雄鱼,分别占雌雄鱼的47.5%和75.0%。获得鱼卵25547粒,并实施干法受精。有16810粒受精,平均受精率为65.8%。孵化出鱼苗约6040尾,平均孵化率为23.6%。经过20日的饲养,仔鱼存活3056尾,存活率为50.6%。抚仙金线鲃较低的催产率,可能是生殖功能紊乱所致:但也不排除是人工营造的条件离其自然环境需求尚有距离。要使抚仙金线鲃成为鱼康鱼良白鱼(Anabarilius grahami)之后又一当地特色养殖鱼种,突破其人工繁殖瓶颈,培育高品质鱼苗是必由之路。突破其人工繁殖,还可为研究抚仙金线鲃的生活史和保护该物种免于灭绝奠定良好基础。
The Fuxian golden line (Sinocyclocheilus tingi) is a famous fish endemic to Fuxian Lake. From March to April 2009, four breeding experiments were undertaken. 40 females and 20 males were injected with hormones. 19 females and 15 males bred successfully, accounting for 47.5% of females and 75.0% of males. A total of 25547 eggs were obtained and subjected to dry-fertilization, with 16 810 eggs being fertilized with a 65.8% success rate. 6040 larvae were obtained with a 23.6% hatching rate. 3 056 larvae survived 20 days of cultivation with a 50.6% survival rate. Reproductive dysfunctions are major constraining factors to low Induced spawning of S. tingi in a captive environment. Artificial conditions that did not reflect the necessary natural environment of the fish may have also been a factor. This paper also addresses the issue of massive larvae mortality. Determining the constraints of artificial propagation is critical to the transfer of this species into cultivation fish. The presented success in propagation of S. tingi will contribute to understanding its biology and protection from extinction.