为了实现对太子参(Pseudostellariae heterophylla)的高产优质栽培,研究了轮作、间作、套作、连作3年、连作6年、连作10年6种不同种植方式对太子参品质和产量的影响,并对不同种植方式下太子参多糖和皂苷含量进行了相关分析。结果表明,轮作所种植的太子参多糖、皂苷含量和产量都达到最高,分别为19.29%、0.29%和1 352.4 kg/hm2,比连作10年的太子参产量高。轮作、间作和套作3种种植方式下多糖和皂苷含量相关性不显著;连作3年和连作6年方式下,多糖和皂苷含量间呈极显著(P【0.01)正相关,连作10年两者间呈显著(P【0.05)正相关。
The experiment was conducted to study the effects of six different planting patterns on quality and yield of Radix pseudostellariae,which included crop rotation,intercropping,interplanting,three years’ continuous cropping,six years’ continuous cropping,and ten years’ continuous cropping.And the correlation between polysaccharide and saponins contents of Radix pseudostellariae under different planting patterns was analyzed.The results showed that under the crop rotation the polysaccharides and saponins contents,the yield of Radix pseudostellariae were the highest,which were 19.29%,0.29% and 1 352.4 kg / hm2respectively.Compared with the ten years’ continuous cropping pattern,under the crop rotation pattern the yield of Radix pseudostellariae increased by 23.9%.There was no siginificant correlation between polysaccharides and saponins contents under the three planting patterns of crop rotation,intercropping and interplanting,but very siginificant positive correlation three years’ under continuous cropping,six years’ continuous cropping patterns,and significant positive correlation under ten years’ continuous cropping.