为获知网板对拖网系统力学配合计算的影响,运用网板平衡方程结合钢索张力方程,建立拖网系统力学配合计算模型,并选取一款广泛使用的立式曲面V型网板及其相应的中层拖网,将网板水动力性能水槽实验数据,结合"龙腾"号的拖网及拖船实测数据带入力学模型,从翼端处的张力起始,逐步计算并分析手纲、网板、曳纲的受力情况,得到网板工作冲角、曳纲长度及张力、拖网翼端深度等拖网系统参数值。结果显示,冲角、曳纲长度和翼端深度随拖曳速度增加而减小;翼端深度及曳纲张力随曳纲连接点Z坐标的增加呈指数增长,随手纲连接点Z坐标增加呈线性减小;通过调节曳纲连接点Z坐标在0.1~0.6 m,可控制工作冲角为17.77°~18.55°,翼端深度为124.3~192.3 m,曳纲张力达40 210~42 219 N;通过调节手纲连接点Z坐标在-0.4~-0.05 m,可控制工作冲角为16.54°~19.85°,翼端深度为75.9~679.5 m,曳纲张力达39 533.5~57 933 N;减少网板在水中重量,可减小拖船功率负荷,更适合在浅层作业;减小网板面积,可降低网板工作冲角,同时减小拖船功率负荷,更适合在稍深的水层作业。
In this paper,for obtaining the influence of otter board on the mechanical traw l system matching calculation,traw l system mechanical matching calculation model was established based on the equilibrium equation of otter board and tension equation of wire rope,a widely used cambered V type otter board was selected,the hydrodynamic performance experiment data,combining with the data of ‘Longteng ’vessel and four patch and big mesh size mid water traw l experiment results were taken into the model,calculation and analysis was conducted from the tension of traw l wing tip,to the sw eep line,otter board,wrap step by step,the attack angle,warp tension,warp length,net depth and other traw l system parameters value were obtained.The influences of otter board parameters on traw l system operation and force situation was analyzed,and it was proved that:Attack angle decreases with the increase of the drag velocity;warp tension and net depth increases exponentially with the increase of Z coordinate of warp line junction,decreases linearly with the increase of Z coordinate of sw eep line junction;attack angle was controlled betw een 17.77°-18.55°,net depth betw een 124.3-192.3 m,and warp tension betw een 40 210-42 219 N via the Z coordinate of warp line junction was adjusted betw een 0.1-0.6 m;attack angle was controlled betw een 16.54°-19.85°,net depth betw een 75.9-679.5 m,and warp tension betw een 39 533.5-57 933 N via the Z coordinate of sw eep line junction was adjusted betw een-0.4-0.05 m;traw lers loading decreases with the decrease of otter board weight,and be more suitable for shallow operation;attack angle and traw lers loading decreases with the decrease of otter board area,and be more suitable for deep layer operation.The rules of mechanical matching calculation versus otter board parameters were summarized,and the estimation equations were obtained,and reference for correct using and further development of otter board were provided.