Researeh on technological innovation environment is one of the important Fields of the International Academic Circle in the 1990s. Remarks on innovation environment were put forward by the seholars of GREMI in the process of studying on the role of industrializing high teehnology in Europe. After that, many western seholars, aeeording to their ownselves aeademie baek- ground, explained the eoneept and theory of industrial dusters innovation environment from multi-perspeetive. In reeent years, some Chinese seholars also have begun to research industrial elusters innovation environment in the sequenee of western seholars, the eoneept of innovation network also was widespread and popularly used. In a whole word, innovation environment is the generalization on all sorts of network relations that formed in some zone and modified eontinually as teehnology advanee. Environment is an important milieu that innovation depends on, and the result of innovation process is the form of industrial dusters.