选取西南大学家蚕Bombyx mori基因库中157个品系及杂交材料的雌蛾进行解剖和观察,调查了卵巢管数目的多样性,并初步研究了其生物学特性。结果发现,家蚕资源品系大范围存在雌蛾卵巢管数目变异现象。157个品系及其杂交材料中有87个发生了卵巢管数目变异现象,占55.41%,变异类型有11种。不同类品系间卵巢管数目变异率差别显著,其中突变品系的变异率最高,达60.19%;突变系杂交材料的变异率最低,有37.50%。在发生卵巢管数目变异的突变品系中,个体变异率最高达50%,最低为2%。调查部分品系发现,品系内卵巢管数目增加并不见总造卵数一定增加,而单根卵巢管平均造卵数均低于(4,4)正常型。通过对实用型品系21-871和突变系06-051上下世代雌蛾的解剖观察,发现这两个品系的上下代雌蛾卵巢管数目均有相近的变异趋势,提示卵巢管数目变异有遗传性。
The female moths of 157 bred and hybrid lines of the silkworm, Bombyx mor/, which are maintained in the gene pool of Southwest University, China, were dissected, and the diversity in their ovariole number was investigated. Variation in ovariole number of the ovaries of female moths was detected in 87 of the 157 (55.4%) bred/hybrid lines, and 11 mutant types of ovariole number were found. The proportion of individuals with atypical ovariole number showed significant differences among the bred/hybrid lines surveyed. The highest proportion (60.19%) was found in the mutant lines and the lowest (37.50%) in the hybrid lines. In the mutant lines with different ovariole numbers of the ovaries of female moths, the proportions ranged from 2% to 50%. Observations on some bred/hybrid lines revealed that the increase in ovariole number in the line was not necessarily accompanied by an increase in total eggs produced and that the average egg number per ovariole was always lower than that of the normal type (4, 4). The results of analysis on the variation in ovariole number of three successive generations of the commercially reared bred line 21-871 and the mutant line 06-051 suggested that variation in ovariole number is inheritable.