IPM is acronym of intelligent power module, which is integrated with power transform circuit.driver circuit and protecting circuit. Using it can simplify peripheral circuit of the inverter, and save time for designing a transmitter greatly. But the setting of dead time is a very important issue when we use IPM. In electrical exploration, inductance of load, which influence toff of IPM, is large sometimes. So, the dead time of a transmitter is needed to be long correspondingly. Meanwhile, it's necessary that the dead time can be changed in different transmitting frequencies. For instance, when we use long polar distances, the area inside transmitting wire is bigger than the short ones, and the inductance is larger, too. On the other hand, when we choose higher frequencies, shorter dead time is needed, otherwise there will be a serious distortion. Considering of above conditions and the convenience of hardware designing, the dead time should be set in some adjustable options. Different selection can be chosen according to different geophysical exploration methods and practical conditions.