目的了解中原农村地区艾滋病病毒感染者及病人(persons living with HIV/AIDS,PLWHA)心理关怀需求,尝试在试点地区建立有效的PLWHA心理关怀人员培训模式,开展心理关怀试点工作。方法采取入户调查的方式对66名PLWHA进行心理关怀需求评估,培训心理关怀人员,对有心理关怀需求的PLWHA进行干预,利用SPSS 10.0对资料进行统计分析。结果有50%的评估对象有心理关怀需求;30名有心理关怀需求的PLWHA经培训合格的工作人员关怀后有26名(86.67%)焦虑和抑郁情绪改善。结论开展PLWHA心理关怀人员培训,对PLWHA进行心理关怀对改善其精神状况、提高生活质量有切实作用。
Objective To investigate the psychological need of PLWHA in the rural area of central China and try to construct the model of paramedic training and implement psychological care to PLWHA.Methods Sixty-six PLWHA in the rural area received an investigation to evaluate their psychological state.The PLWHA who needed the psychological care received the psychological care implementation by the health workers who had passed the paramedic training.Results 50% of the PLWHA needed the psychological care;after psychol...