[ Background ] To estimate the control potential of Ophraella communa ( Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Epiblema strenu- ana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on Ambrosia artemisiifolia after mass-releasing in the areas invaded by A. artemisiifolia, they were jointly released in the field at the towns of Dajing and Zhifeng, Miluo city, Hunan Province at the end of May, 2007 and 2008, re- spectively. [ Method] The plant height and survival rate of A. artemisiifolia were surveyed after releas!ng the two insects, and the plant and seed biomasses were measured at the end of survey. [ Result] At Dajing town, 86 and 120 days after releasing, A. artemis- iifolia plants were significantly shorter in the release region (61.4 cm and 99.0 cm) than in the control region ( 121.8 cm and 129.5 cm, respectively). The dry mass of the above-ground plants was significantly lower in the release than in the control region, but no difference in root dry biomass of was observed between the two regions. Survival rate ofA. artemisiifolia were only 7.3% after 86 days, and all plants died by day 120 in the release region. At Zhifeng town, the plant height and survival rate ofA. artemisiifolia showed no variation between the release and con.trol regions 12 days after release. However, 28, 44 and 57 days after release, the plant height of A. artemisiifolia were significantly shorter in the release than in the control region, and root dry mass and above- ground were also significantly lower in the release than in the control region. Survival rate in the release region of A. artemisiifolia were 63.5%, 16.5% 28 and 44 days after release, respectively, and by day 57, no plant was left alive. At the two above places,the survival rate of A. artemisiifolia maintained 100% in the control regions during our survey, and all A. artemisiifolia plants lost their fecundities completely, thus the seed biomasses were 0 in the release region. [ Conclusion and significance ] In Hunan Prov- ince, A. artemisiifolia can be suppressed effectively when