[背景]西花蓟马于2003年入侵中国后,迅速传播扩散并在局部区域造成严重危害,对我国蔬菜、花卉及果树产业的健康发展构成了巨大威胁.[方法]以线粒体DNA标记技术,对采自我国13个省(市)不同地理区域西花蓟马种群的175条COⅠ基因进行序列变异及群体遗传结构分析.[结果]试验共检测到13个单倍型,各地理种群西花蓟马的单倍型多样性Hd较高,为0.691,而核苷酸多样性π较低,为0.00652.总体固定指数Fst为0.24359,基因流Nm为0.78;种群之间固定指数和基因交流分析表明,我国各地理种群间可能出现了一定分化.种群间AMOVA分析显示,我国西花蓟马的遗传变异主要来自种群内部.对国内外不同地理种群COⅠ基因序列的单倍型进行聚类分析表明,我国西花蓟马有2个品系,即温室品系和羽扇豆品系,其中羽扇豆品系来源于新西兰和荷兰,而广泛存在的温室品系存在多个入侵来源.[结论与意义]我国西花蓟马各地理种群的发生,既与国际贸易活动有关,又与国内蔬菜、花卉、水果等的调运以及观光旅游密不可分.研究结果对西花蓟马的有效阻截及其种群扩张趋势 监测意义重大.
[ Background ] The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande), spreads rapidly since it invaded China in 2003, and has caused severe damage in some areas. It poses a great threat on the normal development of vegetables, flowers and fruits. [ Method] In the present study, a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker analysis based on 175 COI gene sequences was used to examine the genetic variability and population structure of F. occidentalis of 13 populations collected in different geographic areas of China. [ Result ] Thirteen haplotypes were identified. The haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.691 ) of different geographic populations of the thrips was much higher than the nucleotide diversity (or = 0.0065). The total genetic fixations index (Fst) was 0.24 and gene flow (Nm) 0.78, respectively. Evaluation of Fst and Nm between geographical populations indicated that genetic differentiation may have occurred. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) between geographical populations of F. occidentalis showed that the genetic variation mainly occurred within the same populations. The cluster analysis based on haplotypes of COI gene sequences from domestic and foreign populations indicated that two strains of F. occidentalis, the glasshouse strain and the lupin strain, were detected in China. The lupin strain could be from New Zealand and Holland; however, the glasshouse strain should have multiple sources of invasion. [ Conclusion and significancel In China, the western flower thrips was first recorded on pepper plants in a glasshouse in Beijing, two years later it was reported in Yunnan. Since then, F. occidentalis has rapidly expanded, which not only correlated with the activities of international trade, but also with the domestic transportation of vegetables, flowers and fruits as well as tourism. The present results should be useful in reduce further invasion of F. occidentalis and monitoring its spread through China.