桉树枝瘿姬小蜂Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle是一种新入侵的有害生物,专一危害桉属植物。近几年在地中海、非洲、中东和东南亚陆续发生,2007年中国大陆首次发现该虫,2008年7月发现其在海南发生。通过调查,目前在海南省分布在以三亚市、东方市和儋州市为中心的2个圆弧形区域,中心点危害较为严重,植株生长严重受阻。文章介绍桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的鉴别特征、生物学特性、在海南的发现及扩散过程和防控建议。
The blue gum chalcid,Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle,recently invaded into China as a new quarantine pest.It was found to specifically damage Eucalyptus spp.It was reported in Mediterranean countries,northern and eastern Africa,Middle East and southeast Asia in the past few years.It was found in mainland China Guangxi Province in 2007.In July 2008,the blue gum chalcid was discovered in Hainan Province.Through investigating around the Hainan Island,we found that L.invasa has been outbreak in tow circularity shape zone,which was around Sanya,Dongfang and Danzhou city.Heavy galling causes the leaves to warp and stunt the growth of the tree.The paper records its occurrence and spreading in Hainan,provided with morphological characters,biology and quarantine advice.