目的探讨南水北调中线受水区(北京市)和陕西水源区的利益冲突。方法建立博弈论模型,分析博弈双方的利益。结果在2009—2015年,北京市和陕西3市在合作情况下,整体利益增加5 299.72亿元,而在非合作情况下,整体利益损失5 299.72亿元。结论北京市对陕西3市进行补偿,而陕西3市减少废水排放,保证水源水质,在这样的合作情况下才能使整体利益最大。
Aim Disussion on the water conflicts between Beijing and Shaanxi water district.Methods Analyze the benefits by game theory model.Results The addition of overall benefits were 5 299.72 billion Yuan in the cooperative case,the loss were 5 299.72 billion Yuan in the non-cooperative case during the 2009—2015.Conclusion The overall benefits were largest in the cooperative case which Beijing compensated for three cities,and three cities reduced wastewater to ensure water quality.