作业车间(Job Shop)调度问题是指为具体的任务(工序)安排生产资源(机器)并确定合理的加工顺序,是一个典型的NP-Hard问题,有着广泛的研究.首先简单介绍约束编程(CP)思想及ILOGSOLVER系统并建立JobShop调度问题的约束编程模型,并对模型的求解进行分析.然后分析混合整数规划(MIP)和约束编程(CP)模型求解的互补优势,建立JobShop调度问题MIP/CP综合模型,并与CP模型进行比较,证明MIP/CP综合模型求解的效率.
The job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP) is a typically hard non-polynomial problem (NP-Hard) and a large number of papers focus on it. Firstly,the knowledge related to constraint programming and ILOG SOLVER are introduced in brief and then a constraint programming model of job-shop scheduling problem was presented in this paper. Then,a MIP/CP model was put forward by using the complementary strengths of MIP and CP. At last,a few illustration shown the MIP/CP model was very effective method by combining the MIP model and CP model.