目的:为"新医改"实施后零售药店经营方式的改革提供对策。方法:采用定量与定性相结合的方法,分析山东省内15家零售药店经营状况,并采用SPSS 16.0软件对具体数据进行比较研究。结果:"新医改"实施以来,尤其是国家基本药物制度实施之后,零售药店面临着药品价格优势丧失,以及非"医保"定点药店和单体药店客流量及销售额下滑的处境。结论:零售药店可通过降低药品价格、建立药店联盟、实行差异化营销策略以及承接医疗卫生机构的托管药房等措施,积极应对"新医改"带来的冲击。
OBJECTIVE: To propose countermeasures for retail pharmacies after New Medical Reforun. METHODS: On the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, 15 retail pharmacies of Shandong province were investigated on the spots, and SPSS 16.0 software was used for data analysis. RESULTS: After the implementation of New Medical Reform, the advantage of price in retail pharmacies had disappeared, especially after the development of national essential drug system. Mono-pharmacies and non-medical insurance contracted pharmacies were facing the decline adverse impact, retail pharmacies should reduce drug price, set up of footfall and sales. CONCLUSION: In order to response the retail pharmacies association, explore diversification of retail pharmacies and explore retail pharmacies trusteeship mode.