From the perspective of cognition, the idealized cognitive model of modern Chinese sentences is" S(agent) + V(act) + O(patient/result) ". Those which contradict this order turn out to be marked sentences in the grammar. According to the semantic role priority, the patient as the object is the most typical and the agentive object is not typical. Therefore in many marked sentences, agentive object constructions should be the most special. However, this sentence type is not rare in Mandarin Chinese. From the typological perspective, in Chinese with no case marking parameters, word order is one of the most important grammatical means. So this paper looks for the reasons of agentive object constructions from the perspective of pragmatics. This paper proposes that Chinese word order arrangement has some connections with special information structure. Chinese uses "topic-comment" as the framework,so we have to inspect it from a syntactic-semantic-pragmatic standpoint to make a reasonable explanation for the special grammar phenomena.