Complement system plays key roles in host defense, and also participates in the cellular modulation, thus is critical to biological development. In the procedure of reproduction, the specific expression of complement regulators prevents the inappropriate complement activation that might induce gamete damage. Moreover, complement components mediate the fusion of sperm and oocyte, and provide nutrients for early embryonic development. Complement proteins promote the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts, mediate the hematopoiesis and vascular remodeling by influencing the interaction of cells, and contribute to the development of central neuronal system and visual system. Furthermore, complement components modulate the regeneration process, they can induce the sarcoblast differentiation and muscle development. After appropriate activation, complement can modulate the liver regeneration through the pathway of active products and their receptors. This paper reviews the role of complement components in biologic procedure of reproduction, development, and regeneration, with the objective to provide information to further understand the function of complement system.