The purpose of this study is to establish a framework that provides a better understand- ing of how employee's perceptions of organizational culture sociability and solidarity affect silence be- havior as well as the moderating effect of collectivism. Findings show that culture has an effect on employee silence in different ways. Organizational culture has a direct impact on employee silence while individual's cultural orientation has a regulatory effect. Culture sociability and solidarity have different impacts on employee silence, which exhibits not only in different directions but also in the size of difference. However, those relationships are affected by employee's collectivism. Results of modera- tion model analysis show that employee's collectivism significantly moderates the relationship between sociability and disregardful silence, acquiescent silence and defensive silence in such a way that the negative effect of sociability on employee silence is stronger for more traditional collective employee. Besides, employee's collectivism also significantly moderates the relationship between solidarity and acquiescent silence.