The influence of leadership in the employee creativity is an important topic for the organizational management re- search. The present research provides the possible theoretical explanations to the proposition that transformational leadership pro- motes the employee leadership, but the empirical results are inconsistent. In this paper, we try to identify the "dark side" of transformational leadership on creativity. By exploring the mediating role of pressure between transformational leadership and ere- ativity, we find that ehallenglng work, one type of pressure, mediates the positive relationship between transformational leadership and creativity; but more importantly, workload pressure as other type of pressure, mediates the negative relationship between transformational leadership and creativity. In a two - wave study of 905 employees nested in 205 work units from 65 high - tech- nology firms in China, the random coefficient model results support the "dark side" view that transformational leadership may have impedimental effect on ereativlty through influencing workload pressure of followers. In a bunch of literature which extols fa- vorable aspects of transformational leadership, our paper contributes to the research on dark side of transformational leadership.