There are 17 criminal Guidance-Cases published by the Supreme Court and the Supreme Procu-ratorate up till now.Textual analyses showed that some cases are really helpful for solving judicial problems. But it also disclosed a great number of problems as follows:there are too many policy-orientated cases;the in-terpretation of the law is inadequate;some cases are poorly chosen;case descriptions are far from sufficient;major litigation documents and evidence related to the case are yet to be made public;editing permissions ur-gently need to be defined;the“gist”section of the Guidance-Cases of Supreme Procuratorate is actually crimi-nal legislation;the Supreme Procuratorate selected sample cases decided by the court,which has violated the court’s jurisdiction.Given all these problems,reforms shall be made in case selection,editing and publication in order for them to play a better guiding function in the future.