优质饲草生产是区域草地农业系统稳定的关键,引黄灌区存在季节性饲草亏缺.小麦、燕麦和黑麦等小谷物在引黄灌区有悠久的种植历史,具有生长快、耐刈割和再生能力强的特点,春季直到初夏可以放牧或刈割鲜草,也可调制干草冷季饲用,是潜在的饲草作物.在景泰引黄灌区模拟家畜轮牧小麦、燕麦和黑麦3种小谷物,比较其饲用价值,以期为利用现有作物资源发展动物生产、改革和完善农业系统提供科学依据.结果表明,在景泰引黄灌区模拟家畜轮牧春小麦、燕麦和黑麦3种小谷物,燕麦产草量分别比黑麦和春小麦高38.8%和9.9%,当用作籽实生产时春小麦和燕麦地上部分总生物量分别高于模拟放牧37.5%和35.0%,黑麦差异不显著.轮牧利用的3种小谷物粗蛋白产量显著高于籽实生产.春小麦和黑麦的粗脂肪含量在模拟轮牧下明显高于用于籽实生产,但轮牧下燕麦粗脂肪产量低于籽实生产.轮牧利用后小谷物的粗纤维含量分别下降42.9%,53.0% 和21.9%.轮牧后小谷物可溶性碳水化合物含量逐渐增加,而籽实生产的春小麦和黑麦可溶性碳水化合物含量先增加后下降.轮牧下3种小谷物NDF、ADF和纤维素含量低于其用于籽实生产.定量评价,小谷物轮牧利用比籽实生产更具饲用价值,而燕麦的饲用价值高于其他两种作物.
Changes in the growth and nutrition content of cereals (spring wheat,oats and rye)under simulated rotational grazing utilization (SG)were studied in the Yellow River irrigation area.The results showed that under SG the forage yields of oats were 38.8% and 9.9% more than that of rye and spring wheat respectively. The total above-ground yields (grain and straw)of spring wheat and rye when used as grain production (GP, traditional utilization method)were 37.5% and 35.0% higher than when they were used as SG,while there was no significant difference in rye yields across the two utilizations.Crude protein yields of the three small grain crops were significantly higher under SG than GP.Crude fat contents of spring wheat and rye were higherunder SG than GP,but crude fat yields of oats were lower under SG.Compared with GP,crude fiber contents of the three small grain crops under SG decreased by 42.9%,53.0% and 21.9% respectively.Grazing resulted in an increase of water soluble carbohydrate contents and lower NDF,ADF and crude fiber contents when com-pared with GP.On the whole,the three small grain crops have higher feed evaluation scores when they were used as SG and the score of rye was highest.