The hierarchy plays a foundational role in the Attribute Hierarchy Method( AHM). Both the attributes and the hierarchy serve as the most important input variables to most cognitively diagnostic methods like Rule Space Model( RSM) and AHM. Despite the relatively well-defined logical aspects,much work remains to be done because many issues and controversies are not resolved. For example,controversy exists over how to conceptualize and describe the relationship among attributes and attributes hierarchy. Tatsuoka defined the relationship between the attributes in pairs,but she did not explain how to maturate and analyze the relationship between a set of attributes and one single attribute. The main purpose of the paper is to highlight and assassinate the limitation in the prerequisite relationship among attributes. The existence of the limitation is illustrated by a different denominators problem. In order to overcome this limitation,it is proposed that a set of combinatory attributes can be prerequisite to a single attribute as well,posing as challenges for the previously defined prerequisite relation. The new implication relation could overcome the limitation of prerequisite relation and can be viewed as a more general relation that complements and encompasses the prerequisite relation. Meanwhile,the implication relation presents a new challenge to the traditional Q matrix theory and proposes the new subject to scholars in the cognitive assessment.