With consideration to heating radiusand productivities in zones with overheated steam for develnpment of heavy oil reservoirs, instantaneous energy-balance equations in overheated steam have been constructed. By using Laplace transformand inverse transformation, analytic solutions for heating radius in overheated steam zones can be reached. In addition, with consideration to productivity equation with gravity, sophisticated forecast models for heat- ing radiusand productivities have been const-ucted. Researches have been perforated to study impacts of outer boundary, temperatures on heating radiusof overheated steam zone, patterns in changes of radius of overheated steamzones, impacts of gravity on productivity and overheated steam heat utilization ratio in different production sys- tems. Research results show heating radius may decrease with increase in outer boundary temperatures of overheated steam zone. At the same time, the heating radius may increase with increases ofsoaking time. in field applications, oil prnduced through gravity drainage may occupy a large share in total oil production. In addition, overheated steam heat utilization ratios may be enhanced with inczases in productivity. The newly-developed models may provide valuahle guidance for identification of optimal prodaction/injection parameters and to determine heat losses in rele- vant zones.