美国联邦政府教育部"高校计分卡"(College Scorecard)包括年均学费、学生毕业率、平均贷款额、贷款偿还率和毕业后薪水等核心指标。其目的是降低美国家庭学费压力,确保更多年轻人上得起大学,公开高校办学水平的关键信息帮助学生和家庭"挑大学、选专业",提高联邦资助资金效益,促进高校降低成本强化绩效。中国高校可以借鉴计分卡指标简明、查询方便、比较和筛选功能强大等特点,大力完善助学保障制度,提高助学经费使用效益,增强办学信息透明度。
U. S. Department of Education has announced a project called "College Scorecard",which provides condensed information on five core criteria:average annual cost, graduation rate, typical total debt, paying down their debt and salary after attending. The College Scorecard was designed to relieve American families' economic burden on tuition fees and to make college more affordable. It reveals key information about the running level of college to help students and their families choose a college and select a specialty; it also improves efficiency of federal-funded grants to promote the cost-reduction and to strengthen the performance in colleges. From College Scorecard' s outstanding features, such as concise criteria, convenient query, powerful comparative function and filtering capability,Chinese colleges can learn to improve the grant-aided system,increase the cost-effectiveness of student grants and enhance the transparency of information on school running.