How to incorporate scattered household management into the development course of economy of scale and division is an important approach for the innovation of agricultural management institution in China. Based on the innovation practice of "1 + 1 + 1" agricultural management mode in Chongzhou, this paper summarizes two logical routes for the promotion of the division of agricultural labor: one is the generation of new management subjects by property rights subdivision, which can improve the efficiency of agricultural di- vision; the other is the extension of reducing transaction costs by contract governance, which can also improve the efficiency of division. This paper indicates that although the deepening of labor division in agricultural fields has innate endogenous obstacles, agriculture is incompletely the disadvantageous industry in respect of efficiency improvement, and it exists the possibility of efficiency improvement of division deepening. "Chongzhou mode" indicates that the key to the innovation of agricultural institution is the subdivision of land rights and its definition, authorization and execution.