The use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture can bring the increase of food supplies, mean- while, it also brought a series of problems, such as agricultural pollution, soil deterioration, food safety is- sues and so on. Formula fertilization by soil testing is a good measure to solve these problems. Wuming County of Guangxi hasbeen listed as the member of national soil testing and formulated fertilization subsidy project since 2006, and the project had achieved well economic and social results in Wuming County. How- ever, there were also some problems, such as huge challenge came from the market, lack of incentive for eco- nomic crops, lacking of incentive for adopt the specific technology, limited application of working results, im- perfect promoting system, the obstacle during application of suggestion card and other issues. By summariz- ing the effect and problems of the promotion of application of soil testing and fertilizer technology in Wum- ing County, the corresponding suggestions were put forward, in order to achieve effects of soil testing and for- mulated fertilization.