由于田间大量除草农药的使用,玉米在苗期会受到农药的胁迫.为简单地利用光谱特性反映玉米受污染的程度,为遥感检测玉米生长状况提供依据,以不同污染程度的玉米苗反射光谱为对象,研究了苗期玉米受到污染后的反射光谱特性;同时也对玉米苗反射光谱中的偏振信息进行了测量和分析.结果表明:随着受污染程度的增加,玉米苗的光谱反射比也增加;而计算得到的线偏振度随污染程度的增加而减小,且2种指标与污染程度分别成正相关与负相关,所得到的回归模型的R2分别为0.878 2,0.885 7.在以后研究过程中,可以把现有的非偏振测量方法和偏振测量结合起来,对遥感反演玉米受污染程度有很大的帮助.
Corn seedlings are polluted by pesticide because of a large number of pesticides were used in cultivated land. To provide more reflectance information that detected from corn seedlings polluted by pesticide for remote sensing technique,in this study we simply invert the pollution level with the reflectance from corn seedlings. Simultaneously, we also obtain and analyze the polarization of the corn seedlings. The results confirmed that the reflectance increased with an increase in pollution level and the degree of linear polarization increased with a decrease in pollution level. Both of reflectance and degree of linear polarization were linear proportion to the amount of pesticide pollution, the Rz was 0. 878 2 and 0. 885 7, respectively. Combining the non-polarized measurements with polarized measurements is useful to help us understand the reflected information of corn and to provide additional method for remote sensing technique.