为深入研究燃油破碎雾化机理,在ELSA(Euler Lagrangian spray and atomization)欧拉一拉格朗日实时耦合的喷雾模拟思想的基础上,考虑喷嘴内部湍流与空化对喷雾的影响,提出了CAV-ELSA喷雾模型及其模拟方法,该模型计算结果与定容弹喷雾试验数据符合较好;讨论了欧拉计算域长度对计算结果的影响;最后探索性将该模型用于一款GM柴油机的喷雾燃烧模拟。模拟结果表明:与传统单纯采用拉格朗日算法的离散液滴模型相比,新型CAV-ELSA模型的模拟结果与试验值更为接近。
The fuel spray characteristics is known to significantly affect the combustion and emission processes in diesel engines. To get more details about the complex atomization mechanism, a ELSA spray model coupled with nozzle cavitating flow called CAV-ELSA model was setup in AVL FIRE and validated by the spray experimental data got from a constant volume vessel. Besides the effect of different Eulerian calculation zone on the computing results were discussed. At last, the new model was applied to simulate the spray and combustion in a GM diesel engine. The results given by the CAV-ELSA model are highly consistent with the experimental data.