研究新疆克拉玛依市减排林区土壤水分的空间变化,结果表明,研究区0~40 cm层之间,含水量较高、40~60 cm层含水量最低6、0~100 cm之间,含水量较低,各层含水量呈增长型;土壤水分呈现南部最低,北部较低,含量较高的点出现在东西二边;主要影响因素是土壤质地和植被类型,相较于白蜡、沙枣等植被种类,俄罗斯杨对保持土壤水分的方面有明显优势。
This paper comparatively analyzes the spatial variation of soil moisture in Artificial Forest of Carbon Dioxide Capture in Karamay City in Xinjiang.The results indicated that the soil moisture content in 0 to 40 cm was comparatively higher,in 40 to 60 cm was the lowest,and in 60 to 100 cm was media.The soil moisture inside these three layers was increasing type.In horizontal directions,soil moisture was the poorest in the south of this area,poor in the north,and the richest appears in both west and east,extending to the interior region of the area.The main affected factors were soil texture and vegetation type.There were obvious advantage in maintaining soil moisture for P.Russkii Jabi.,compared to other types of vegetation such as Fraxinus chinensis Roxb and Elaeagnus angustifolia L.