It is an urgent problem to solve for provincial power grid company that how to get an optimal bidding strategies using the effective information .For there were many energy purchasers' and many generations' bidding in the regional electricity power markets, the formula of market clear price is derivate under linear bidding rule and marginal electric price clearing. Under the incomplete information, the bidding strategies of the generations and the provincial power grid companies are estimated. And supposed they obeyed certain distributions with probability statistical theory. According to their distributing parameters, the distribution of market clear price is derivate. On this basis, the probability of bidding success and unsuccess for provincial power Grid Company are calculated and the expectation income-function model is constructed with game theory. Through solving the model, the bidding bays equilibrium is gotten, which is the optimal bidding strategies for provincial power Grid Company. The example shows that the presented bidding strategies model is feasible and helpful to the provincial power grid company.