The New generation knowledge - workers are employees who were born in 1980s or 1990s, and who have apparent inde-pendence and autonomy and think highly of life - long education and growth. As the generation born after one - child policy implemen-ted in 1979, they get married as the one -child couple and more such one -child couples have got married in recent years. Family re-sponsibilities have been growing since they have to not only take care of their elderly parents, but also provide high quality educationalresources and excellent growth environment for their children. Additionally, they are facing unprecedented work pressures and inreasing-ly intense job market competition. So they have to not only fulfill their present job responsibilities but also keep learning to stay abreastof the advanced technology and improve their social status and career competence. Work - family conflict will arise when work demands,time pressures, and stress from the work domain hinder their capacity to meet demands and responsibilities from the family domain. Thispaper will test demographic differences of the new generation knowledge - workers' work - family conflict, and provide the target - orien-ted work -family balance strategies to employees who are experiencing the conflict. The demographic differences of the work - family conflict and the interaction effects of the demographic variables were tested basedon the data collected from 500 new generation knowledge - workers from the branches of a high - tech group corporation. This paper tookgender, tenure and job level as independent variables and work - family conflict, measured by five items adapted from the work - familyconflict scale developed by Gutek et al. ( 1991 ), as dependent variables. The reliability of the work - family conflict scale in this studywas . 74. In addition, this paper took two sets of control variables firstly, two other demographic variables, education and income,which might have impact on the results of this study, were controlled; secondly, tw