通过对成都市府南河上中下游共21个断面叶绿素a和总溶解态氮(TDN)、总溶解态磷(TDP)含量的测定,绘制时空分布图,并应用SPSS 13.0统计软件分析了3个指标之间的相关性,初步评价了府南河的富营养化状况。结果表明,府南河叶绿素a含量不高,磷污染较为严重;相关性分析显示叶绿素a和TDP含量呈显著正相关关系,氮是河水富营养化的主要限制因子;按照叶绿素a的含量判定府南河基本属于贫营养化型,但按照氮、磷含量评价已达到富营养化水平。这对评价城市河流的富营养化状态及生态环境整治和恢复有着积极意义。
The water samples were sampled from 21 sections of Fu-Nan River,which is the mother river of Chengdu.The concentrations of chlorophyll-a,total dissolved nitrogen(TDN) and total dissolved phosphorus(TDP) were determined respectively by national standard methods.Therefore,the spatial distributions of the three eutrophic index in Fu-Nan River were achieved to demonstrate the eutrophic level in Fu-Nan River and the relationships of the three parameters were also discussed.The results show that: The concentration of TDP in river water were exceed the national standard for surface water quality grade III,whereas TDN were lower than the national standard;the correlation coefficients between TDP and chlorophyll-a were significantly positive,and the control factor of bloom is nitrogen;it is demonstrated that eutrophic status in Fu-Nan River under the estimation of P and N,whereas mesotrophic for the chlorophyll-a.It is of great significance to assessing the eutrophic status and retrivaling the better aquatic eco-environment of Fu-Nan River.