By using a wafer-rotating grinding machine, the subsurface damage depth (SSD) of silicon wafer ground by resin bond diamond wheel are measured by angle polishing and step etching methods. The influence of the main process factors including grit size of diamond , rotating speed of the wafer chuck table, down feed rate and the rotating speed of the grinding wheel on the SSD of ground wafer are analyzed by variance analysis. The results show that, the effect degree of grinding parameters on the SSD in order from strong to weak are the grit size, the wheel infeed rate, the wheel rotation speed and the chuck rotation speed. When the grit size decreases from 40 μm to 4 μm, the SSD decreases from 16.4 μm to 0.8 μm. When the other parameters are fixed, the SSD can be decreased with the decrease of wheel infeed, the increase of wheel rotating speed and the increase of chuck rotating speed, and the increase of chuck rotating speed within a suitable range.