基于“工科” 背景下俄语学习者自身情况的多样性,尝试俄语分层次教学法;认识到了俄语分层次教学的重要性,具体涉及教育教学实施情况和俄语分层次教学的测试与评估改革等方面.通过俄语分层次教学全面激发学生学习积极性,提高俄语教学的效率与效果.
Considering the difference of Russian learners in an engineering university, Russian teaching in mixed levels is a good try. To assure the good result of mixed level teaching, a set of new teaching methods and regulation should be specified. Accordingly, a different evaluation system should be established so as to enhance the enthusiasm of students with engineering background to study Russian and improve the efficiency and effect of Russian teaching.