通过对玉米密植栽培技术、机械深松少耕技术、机械深施肥技术和秸秆还田技术等进行综合组装集成,在黑龙江省双城市3个试验点,推广示范玉米密植高产高效栽培技术模式,2010年核心示范面积6hm2,示范面积60hm2,辐射带动6 000hm2,产量较农户模式增产2 926kg·hm-2,差异达极显著水平,共节本增效0.27亿元。
According to the technological assemble of close planting,subsoiling and fewer-tillage,deep apply fertilizer and straw returned,promotion and demonstration in close planting high yield and high efficiency was formed in 3 trial points of Harbin.In 2010,the area of core demonstration accumulation reached 6 hm2,the area of demonstration accumulation reached 60 hm2,radicalization area of maize production achieved 6 000 hm2.Compared with the farmers' mode,it could increase yield 2 926 kg·hm-2,the difference was significant,and could reduce cost and increase benefit 0.27 billion yuan per year.