为了测试获取子母弹爆炸抛撒后的子弹飞行姿态,采用基于M EM S惯性测量组合与动态存储测试技术相结合的方法来测试子母弹子弹的飞行姿态,对系统的组成、工作原理和主要关键技术的实现途径进行了详细的介绍。系统以M EM S三维角速度和三维加速度的惯性测量组合为姿态敏感元件,一体化的子母弹子弹飞行姿态测量记录器主要由FLA SH存储器、FPGA为中心控制器及多通道高速12位模数转换器等组成。记录器具有多通道、低功耗、体积小、大容量、高精度及嵌入子弹内部随子弹飞行测量等优点。系统试验结果表明:该系统能够准确获取子弹从抛撒到中靶的整个过程的姿态数据。
For getting the bullet attitude of some shrapnel after it is dispersed, the method based on MEMS IMU and the dynamic storage test technology is integrated for testing the bullet attitude of shrapnel. The principle of operation, the system composition and major critical implements is provided. The attitude sense organ is three axis angular velocity transducer and three axis aceelerometer, the integrative bullet attitude of some shrapnel recorder is composed by flash memory, FPGA ( the center controller) and multi-channel high speed 12 bit ADC, etc. The merits of the recorder are multi-channel, low power dissipation, small in size but high storage capacity, high-precision and can be embed the bullet flying with it for real attitude detecting. The system test result of the flight test proves that the integrated system can get the flight attitude data, which is the bullet from firing to hitting the target.