Classification of tourism resources endowment was given based on the analysis of tourism resources superiority degree of 15 regions of Xinjiang, then the relationship analysis was addressed to compare regions with different tourism resources superiority degree to regions with different tourism economic level, and compare regions with different tourism resources superiority degree to regions with different tourism economical growth rate. Researches showed that the former relationship was positive correlation and the later was that tourism economical growth rate was faster in regions with advantage tourism resources than those with disadvantage tourism resources in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2006. As a result, “curse of resources” of economics is also existed inside of Xinjiang tourism economical development, although the spatial tourism economic level discrepancy was result in the spatial tourism resources discrepancy, the tourism economical growth is not depending on tourism resources endowment. Further study showed that the tourism economical sustainable growth is correlated to regional economy (per GDP and the third industry output) and tourism capital input.