Let G be a finite group. A subgroup H of G is said a weakly .s-Iermutahle subgroup of ; if there is a subaormal subgroup T of such that (i= HT anti llf'i I t1, where H; denotes the subgroup of H t4enerated hy II s-pt'rmutable subgroups of C; contained in H. I.el p be a prime number dividing / G /and P a Sylow p-suhgroup of G with the smallest generator numhcr d. There is a subset (P) = { Pl , P: , P,t ) of maximal sub-- groups of P such that [ P, =O(P), where,(P) denotes the Frattini subgroup of P. This pa per researches into the structure of G. under the assumption that every member in is ,t weakly s-permutable subgroup of G. The results unify and generalize some known ones.