It was the institutions that made the different costs of empires colonizing the two-200 kilometers upstream areas. Emperor Qianlong successfully colonized the 200 kilometers Qingshuijiang areas, which was recorded in the judg- ments of the river right case lasting for more than 200 years, and even instructed by the Emperor Jiaqing. Different govern- ments had the same standpoint looked like simple case law, which in fact contained regional national autonomy. The line was granted as the boundary for "Miao-Han" by Qing dynasty. Based on the line, Emperor Qianlong turned Ming dynast y' s Miao Wall into regional autonomy system, changed emperor Yongzheng suppression by forces into Miao self-autonomy. Under the new institutions, the timbers had its way by the river, which connected the Miao areas and empires togeth- er. The join forces between Miao areas and the empire expanded its ways, which maintained the social stability, merged multi-ethnic together, and promoted Qingshuijiang areas economic , social and cultural development.