基于局内算法分析领域中的On-line Ski问题,提出了局内设备赁购决策问题.建立了价格连续型的该问题的数学模型,针对购价恒定的情形和一般情形分别设计了B价赁购策略和赁购平衡策略(Renting-Buying Balance Strategy),给出了相应的竞争比,并进行了理论证明.得到了价格连续型问题的竞争比下限,并给出理论证明.讨论了所得结果在现实经济管理活动中的应用,并指出了进一步的研究方向.
Based on Ski Problem, which is a classical problem in the area of on-line algorithms analysis, the On-line Equipment Renting-Buying Problem is originally proposed. The relevant mathematical model of the price continuous version is established. For the general case and a special case, which has a constant buying price, of the version, two competitive algorithms BS and RBS are developed respectively. The relevant competitive ratios are also given and proved. Furthermore, the lower bound of competitive ratio is studied and the theoretical proof is also presented. And then, some applications concerning the results of this paper are discussed. Finally, conclusions for the paper are made and the further study directions are pointed.