针对棉纺车间前纺工序棉筒搬运与更换作业问题,本文提出了一种基于电伺服丝杠驱动的轻质型搬运机器人设计方案;根据棉纺车间棉桶更换作业工艺要求,运用Solid Works软件建立了轻质型机器人与AGV组成的实体模型。在对4轴机器人驱动系统分析与计算的基础上,对各轴电机与减速机进行选型设计。利用ADAMS仿真工具,将机器人模型在ADAMS中按照实际作业工艺要求进行仿真模拟,验证了机器人与AGV构成的组合机器人设计方案可行性。为该类型机器人后续设计和研究提供了理论依据。
A screw-propelled lightweight palletizing robot has been developed for drawing and replacing work of cotton barrel during pre-spinning process in cotton spinning workshop . According to the technologic requirements of cotton tube replacing work a physical model consisting of lightweight robot and AGV has been established by SolidWorks software . Based on the 4 axis robot drive system analysis and calculation , select and design the shaft motor and reducer . Furthermore an analogue simulation of robot is also conducted under the actual technologic requirements by ADAMS software . The simulation result proves the feasibility of design plan for combined robot consist of robot and AGV , which also provides a theoretical basis for the following design and study about this kind of robot in the future.