The epidermal characters of mature leaves of 6 genera, 9 species in Verbenaceae were examined by using digital microscope, The results showed that both upper and lower leaf epidermal cells of these species had trichome. There were two types of anticlineal wall in Verbenaceae, which were nearly straight and wave-shaped curve. The former type was seen in Duranta and upper leaf epidermal cells of Lantana. The anticlineal walls were wave shaped curve type in Clerodendrum, Vitex, Holmskioldia and Premna, The stomata apparatuses were predominantly anomocytic and the evolutionary trend of the stomatal apparatuses was from diacytic type and paracytic type to anomocytic type. The patterns of epidermal hairs and stomata apparatus in C. serratum were peculiar indicating that the species had a specific status in the Clerodendrum taxonomy, The stomatal density and stomatal index had little taxonomical significance among the six genera. However, the two characters might be useful for species identification.