Since the narrow band active noise control( ANC) system alw ays gives rise to frequency mismatch( FM),the traditional frequency mismatch compensation( FMC) technique can cope w ith small FM,but is unable to deal w ith nonstationary noise signals or large FM. In order to solve the above problem,a new ANC structure w ith a frequency estimator is first introduced,w hose inputs are measured by both the acoustic and non-acoustic sensors. The IIR notch filter based on plain gradient( PG) algorithm is employed as the frequency estimator,and the adjustment of amplitude and phase of secondary source is achieved by a first-order FIR filter updated by filtered-x LM S( FXLM S) or RLS( FXRLS) algorithm. Simulations indicated that the new system,in the condition of ensuring reasonable steady-state error,compared with the traditional FM C system,could effectively handle larger FM and revealed fine convergence and tracking performance.